Two Contributions From the Same Ancient Culture

Photo: Replica of an Olmec Colossal head from San Lorenzo, Carol Highsmith, University of Texas at Austin. In this post, we are going to compare two amazing pieces of information about the Olmec culture.One is a video entitled Lost Kingdoms of Central America presented by Jacob Cooper, an archeologist specialized in the American cultures. The other is an article, La Venta , by Rebecca Gonzalez. Copper's main concepts addressed in the video are an extensive explanation of important facts, discoveries, ideas, rituals, activities, but mainly arts that the Olmecs used to do during their presence in Mesoamerica. As Cooper declares, "to understand how the Olmecs arose, how they ruled 3,000 years ago and why they created that astonishing art is to understand the rise of civilization itself" (Lost 2:28-2:40). It's fascinating how he works hard in order to find the right place for whatever he wants to show his ...